Puerto Chiapas, Mexico

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Native Dancers
We enter the harbor of Puerto Chiapas Disembarking for our tours The visitor's center is a large, thatched pyramid Looking up inside the pyramid Those corn stalks are being dried for tamales We arrive at the ruins of Izapa dating from 1250 BC What to see, including a ball court and temples Where temples once stood A large altar site June and Pete listen to our guide Doggy This is where a ceremonial ball game was played Cacao growing on a huge tree Our guide explains one of the many stelae found here Carved stone artifacts Linda next to stairs Picture frmo the top of the largest mound - 1 Picture frmo the top of the largest mound - 2 Picture frmo the top of the largest mound - 3 Pete with Izapa ruins and Tacana volcano in the background Map of the archealogical site As we arrive in Tapachula, we see an outdoor restaurant Parroquia San Agustin A dancer in ethnic costume Native dancers We watch a performance indoors Owl costume Tools to make a marimba Tapachula museum and cultural center Colorful painting Farm workers painting Stained glass 1 Stained glass 2 Busy streets in downtown Tapachula This is a cashew fruit Iglesia la Luz del Mundo